Here are the questions I asked myself as I attempted to make sense of this gong show of a board book collection:
- Why do we own this many board books? W H Y?
- You know you can’t even fit all the ones we own on this shelf and you should probably stop buying them, yeah?
- Where the hell is our Gruffalo book?! I guess I’ll have to get another.
- You know what makes for great photos, Sarah? A black bookshelf in a hallway that has dungeness lighting AND it’s a dark + dreary night. Bravo.
- E-readers are so much easier to sort. How old can O be before he starts using one?
- Wait. No. Never. I have to have a reason to keep buying him and M pretty books for all of eternity. RIGHT?!
- None of how you’re organizing this makes sense, I hope you know. Do you?
- Why do we still own Rainbow Fish? Donate that nonsense.
- You didn’t buy “such and such” when you were out thrifting last. Why? Next time, next time.
- Have you ever heard of a damn library, woman?!
I am a mess. No lie.

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